STUTTERHEIM Snapshot: Jonathan Johansson
Jonathan Johansson, the Swedish singer-songwriter and pop star ordinaire (I don’t think he would be comfortable with the term “extra”) has just finished a stint at Swedish TV show Så mycket bättre, where musicians come together and make covers of each others’ most famous songs. Now he’s prepping for going on a two-month-long tour through Sweden. A long-time fan of STUTTERHEIM (as evident in the music video to his 2015 song Alla helveten), we caught him just in time before his first tour stop in Örebro with some questions about music and rain.
How was the experience of interpreting other people’s songs and how did the creative process differ from your usual way of working?
It was actually kind of easy. I mean it was a lot of work but I just did my thing and didn’t really overthink it. And it’s always easier to have something to work with from the start than to just make shit up out of nowhere. I enjoyed it.
What’s your best rainy day song?
That’s also easy, I Think It’s Going to Rain Today with Nina Simone.
Some of your lyrics mention rain, is gloomy weather an inspiration to you?
I’ve been living under gloomy skies all my life, I was born that way. But to be honest I do enjoy the sun too. I don’t underestimate the sun. C’mon, it’s the SUN, right?

Photo: Rikkard Häggbom